Wacom Bamboo in Linux Mint

No Tablet Detected in Graphics Tablet app in Linux Mint 17.3

Files you need to download for amd64 systems:
libwacom2: http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/amd64/libwacom2/download
libwacom-common: http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/all/libwacom-common/download

If these don’t work, you can try other versions of these two packages from here:

Then run this command form that download folder:

sudo dpkg -i libwacom2_0.8-1_amd64.deb libwacom-common_0.15-1_all.deb

Now go to Menu > Preferences > Graphics Tablet and it should show up.

Left handed mode

In Graphics Tablet settings, the Left handed mode switch doesn’t work.
But it works from terminal like this:

xsetwacom set stylus rotate HALF
xsetwacom set eraser rotate HALF

Since the device naming has changed, you need to find out what stylus and eraser are now called. So enter in a terminal:

xinput --list

Then substitute the longer more descriptive device name in for stylus, with quotes around it, etc.